
Customizing Your AI Receptionist's Language and Voice

Legal27 allows you to customize your AI receptionist's language and voice to better suit your law practice and your clients. This article will guide you through the process of customizing your AI receptionist's language and voice.
You can customize your AI receptionist's language and voice in the following ways:
1. Language: Legal27 supports multiple languages. You can choose the language that your AI receptionist will use to communicate with callers.
2. Voice: You can choose from a variety of voices for your AI receptionist. You can choose a voice that you feel best represents your law practice.
To customize your AI receptionist's language and voice, follow these steps:
1. Log in to your Legal27 account.
2. Click on the 'AI Receptionist' tab in the dashboard.
3. Click on the 'Language and Voice' section.
4. Choose the language and voice you want to use and click on the 'Save' button.
Congratulations! You've now customized your AI receptionist's language and voice. For more information on how to set up and customize your AI receptionist, check out our other help articles.