
Customizing Your Legal27 AI Receptionist

Legal27's AI receptionist is a powerful tool that can handle calls, answer questions, and provide information to callers. This article will guide you through the process of customizing your AI receptionist to better serve your law practice.
You can customize your AI receptionist in the following ways:
1. Set the AI receptionist's responses: You can customize the responses that the AI receptionist gives to certain questions or prompts.
2. Set the AI receptionist's behavior: You can set how the AI receptionist behaves in certain situations, such as when a caller is angry or when a call is dropped.
3. Set the AI receptionist's knowledge base: You can provide information that the AI receptionist can use to answer questions. This can include information about your law practice, your services, and more.
By customizing your AI receptionist, you can ensure that it provides the best possible service to your callers. For more detailed guides on how to customize your AI receptionist, check out our other help articles.